29 March 2013


          How would you perceive the image of the cross? Is it a sign of a victory or a defeat? Is it a sign of hope or a sign of failure? These are but some of the questions we can raise in our mind in relation to today's celebration of the Good Friday in the Catholic Church. 

          Personally, I would claim that we should always be grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for His preparedness to sacrifice even His own life to merit our salvation. With this in mind and in heart, I unceasingly put my prayer that may our minds be enlightened by the power of the Holy Spirit, the source of truth, so that any decision that we will make about other people may be all honest and sincere. if we can live by the principles of truth the we will contribute to the peace and harmony in our society no matter where we are in. 

          Consequently the image of the cross for me is a paradox of what it meant to be for others. The cross where Jesus died today is a complete manifestation of His triumph over our sins. When humanity suffers insults and rejection because of the desire to follow Christ, there comes the influence of Mary in our life being the spiritual mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who while witnessing the humiliation of her son, pleaded to God the Father for the forgiveness of His executioners and also for our conversion as sinners. 

          Thus, the cross at this time becomes s symbol of good being triumphant over evil. May we then continue to imitate all these examples in our life in spite of all the odds out there, witnessing and believing in the concrete sacrificial act done by our Lord Jesus Christ this day.  Active Search Results (ASR) is an independent Internet Search Engine using a proprietary page ranking technology with Millions of popular Web sites indexed.

28 March 2013


          Each day that I wake up, I always reflect on how this day would be for me.I worry so much on the order of things, tasks and other trivialities today.  Then I realize that God has been so generous to me each day. Thus instead of focusing solely on what  I will attain this day, I change my focus instead to how could I express my gratitude to God for His unending generosity for me. So many blessings that come in my life everyday. They are concrete manifestations of His love for me.

         The challenge now is how to extend and share this great love from God to others especially to my family- my wife and my baby. I could think of so many things to do it yet I believe that even simpler things would be as big as they are in HIS eyes. He doesn't measure my deeds, rather I know that what is important for HIM is that I am genuine in all my actions and kindness towards myself and others. Hence there is always this constant invitation to be a living instrument of God for others and I know that this entails a lot of sacrifices for me.

          However, believing constantly that He is always here, there and everywhere to guide and give me strength, I am positive that I can always perform my deeds as a person- an instrument of peace and love for others.

27 March 2013


          What a beautiful day for me today----everything became a sort of a blessing.... From the moment I woke up, shared the early morning breakfast with my wife, and even at work, everything was on its proper place. My mates were mostly energetic as well hence I also received that positive vibes from them. That's my personal experience- that when I and those people around me are  showing positive vibrations, tasks and relationships tend to become light.

          Its is true that when we radiate positive aura to others, we will also receive positive aura in return. More over I believe that being positive goes along with one's ability to stay focus in all things to be fulfilled.

          Being constantly focus in everything we do is not an easy thing. It entails a rich resources of patience and stability. Patience in the sense that as human as we are we tend to overdo things- we like to accomplish multiple tasks at the same time. I'm not saying that it is wrong or it is not possible. many gifted and trained people are able to accomplish such task yet  a large number also including myself are at times lost since the sense of being focus is absent. Can you recall concretely any event in your life wherein you are trying so hard to fulfill a certain task when suddenly a separate and unrelated thing popped up? Or you are at the verge of making it to the finish line of your work when suddenly your mind wanders so very far away? These are frustrating moments in our life yet they are also very true to you and me.
          Thus, it is with such gratitude that I thank my God for allowing me to stay focus today in my tasks and my relationships. And may this be my prayer that I will continue to be focused on one thing at a time so that I can also achieve quality in my tasks and relationships.  

26 March 2013


Thanks for the art of life!
Have you ever thought of the first sound, word, phrase, or sentence that you've made?
We can't really tell the things that we have been doing when we were still at the womb of our dearest mother..

They would probably tell us..we could create gurgling sounds, kicking sounds, so and so...
Well, those sounds weigh more than a thousand word, It's the sound of life!

It signifies that we are ready to face the world...
Have you ever count the number of sounds that you've made from the moment you were born?
Try to imagine the sound of breathing, the sound of your heartbeat...

Have you thank God for that?
Life is a journey that we have to survive step by step...
Let me share some sounds in my life that you can reflect with my next blogs.
Let us all be grateful that God has given all these opportunities to live with and discover the purpose of LIFE...
I'm blessed to have a friend who invited me to express my journey on this page that he has made.

This is such a great opportunity to create a sound, shout, word, phrase, sentence and blog that is worthful; by spreading the word of God.
...And realize that everything starts with GOD.
So let's continue our journey with HIM...

by: Sweetumz16

25 March 2013

Welcome to my Blog

       I am Roldan and here  is my new blog that would allow me to share with you my spiritual and life journey. Everyday we come up with different life experiences so rich that we always find relevance in them in our lives. We travel and trek different ways yet we are all companions on this life journey.

     However this blog will also share even your own journey and what you have to do is just share with me and the readers here your own story. I know there is such a wide world out there when it comes to our own spiritual and life journey.