7 September 2013


          Amidst the complexities of life brought about by both its good and bad events, examples of good deeds are shared by people who exemplified desirable actions towards mankind. And to set as an example for us at this time, we will know the contributions by a woman who had served as a concrete manifestation of goodness on earth.

          Mother Teresa of Calcutta extended extraordinary deeds to reach out to those who are poor, the underprivileged members of our society. She did not surrender even to the most difficult times in her life of service.  

"Throughout her life on earth, and now even more fully in the Kingdom, she stands as a beacon of light reflecting the heart of God to those who seek him, who seek signs of his nearness and care in the darkness of human suffering and sin."- Rev. Joseph Langford 

Yes indeed Mother Teresa sets herself as an example of somebody who is a beacon of light for others. Nowadays, our world is so blinded by so many darkness like crimes of passion, poverty, corruption, scams etc. that there is a dire need for a continuous light to shine so as to ease the effect of such darkness.

Once she said, " Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love". That is exactly what this world needs- a world so wounded by man's insensitiveness and indifference- a LOVE that is so genuine that allows each one to go down into the level of those oppressed and poor.

          In our own way, can we identify a Mother Teresa in our hearts? Can we allow ourselves to become men and women with golden hearts so that we will also become lights to guide the deprived members of our society to lasting peace? 

1 September 2013


          Today is the start of the month of September. While we say goodbye to August, we warmly welcome this month with enthusiasm and excitement as we also open our hearts and minds to any opportunity for growth and for sharing with others. Aside from that we also welcome the season of spring and it positively conveys to us warmer weather and a clearer atmosphere around us. 
          Moreover, this new season brings us a clearer vision to many opportunities for new surprises and inner peace within us. We all know how each day differs from the other days yet we all know as well that every day, different situations allow us to fulfill our dreams in life. What makes this day more interesting further is our celebration today of Father's Day.
Thus we honor all fathers out there and even though our commercial world nowadays constantly insists us to acknowledge fathers with endless list of "perfect gifts"  on a mere material value yet in the real sense of the word, there is no perfect gift to bring honor to all these dads just on such level.

          Their examples display to their families every moment in their lives make it more meaningful to every child to recognize their contributions to every child's development. Instead everyone needs to understand on a more deeper level the relevance of all dads that they all deserve a heartfelt recognition and appreciation.

          As anyone recognizes and acknowledges any father's love and sacrifice for the family, may we bear in our minds their constant welfare so that they can continue extending their genuine love to their families. We could never reach this far if not for our fathers' love and companionship, all the self-sacrifices they offer just to allow us to be who we are today.